Petty CNN Hosts Decry Trump Campaign’s Cheesy Fundraising E-Mail

Nicholas Fondacaro | February 7, 2019
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***To read the full blog, please check out the complete post on NewsBusters***

Anyone who has somehow gotten onto an e-mail list for a political campaign, can attest to the fact that they often get messages that include fun or cheesy efforts to drive interaction with supporters to keep enthusiasm up. But during Wednesday’s edition of CNN’s Cuomo Prime Time, host Chris Cuomo and CNN Tonight host Don Lemon were up in arms over such an e-mail sent by the Trump campaign polling supporters on how the State of the Union address went.

“[H]e sent me a note, asking what I thought about his speech,” Cuomo claimed as if it was a private message for him and him alone:

Here's the official poll. Now, perhaps you thought it was good. Maybe even great or better yet, historic. Well, I hope it's one of those, because those are your only choices. If you thought it was anything else, you're out of luck. Because that's all the President wants to know, as you can see here in question one.

The fact, the poll was on the official Trump campaign website and said “paid for by Donald J. Trump for president, Inc.” betrayed Cuomo’s allusions.
