NYT’s Blow Vents on CNN: ‘I Don’t Care’ About What Trump Supporters Think

Nicholas Fondacaro | December 1, 2016
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Sparks flew during CNN’s Erin Burnett OutFront Thursday evening, as New York Times columnist, and radical leftist, Charles Blow announced how he really feels about supporters of the president-elect. “The flaw in that is that you assume that I care what his supporters think,” blow exclaimed to conservative radio host Ben Ferguson. Blow’s dismissal came after he denounced Donald Trump, saying everything he says “wreaks of fraudulence.

Blow’s comment about Trump’s supporters was triggered by Ferguson who warned Blow about his, and left’s, open hostility to Trump. “The longer you do this it is going to fuel the fire of Donald Trump,” Ferguson cautioned, “I think he'll actually be more successful when these attacks keep coming cause he’s going to sit there going, ‘I’m going to prove you wrong yet again.’”

The radio host also noted that Blow’s comments point to the elitists attitude many on the left hold, saying, “But the majority of the Americans -- and this is where I think The New York Times and many of the people who voted against him do not understand why he won, which at this point now is almost becoming comical to me.”

Ferguson then tried to explain that Blow’s passion for opposing Trump means that he does care about what people thought. “Actually I do not give – I do not care at all what you think about Donald Trump. At all,” Blow snapped before ranting:

I do not care at all what—interest in any way in convincing someone else who supported him that they shouldn't have. I am interested in promoting the idea of "Right." And I believe that Donald Trump is simply wrong on a number of issues that are important to me. And I will write about that as often as I get a chance and I will talk about that as often as I get a chance and it has nothing do with fanning the flames of his supporters.

Following a very heated shouting match Ferguson told Blow, “And it drives you nuts that people, in your terms, voted for a pathological liar. And you cannot understand why they voted for Donald Trump.” Blow responded with all of the tired out insults flung at Trump’s supporters, “I do understand it! I do understand it on a lot of different levels. I do understand that people turn a blind eye to his racism, to his bigotry, to his sexism, to his mocking of the disabled.

“And this is what will fuel Donald Trump, is this conversation right here,” Ferguson concluded.