Nets Cover for Clinton, Ignore Discovery of 30 Benghazi E-mails

Nicholas Fondacaro | August 30, 2016
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Hillary Clinton was caught in yet another lie about her e-mails Tuesday, following an announcement from the State Department that they discovered still more e-mails she failed to turn over. “And tonight, we have confirmation that at least some of the thousands of e-mails deleted and not turned over to the State Department dealt with the issue of Benghazi, Libya, clearly not falling into the category of personal e-mails,” remarked Fox News’ Bret Baier. And despite this, all of the “Big Three” networks failed to mention it at all on their evening programs.

“Hillary Clinton has said consistently that she turned over all her government e-mails,” elaborated Chief Intelligence Correspondent Katherine Harris, “But tonight, the State Department is confirming about 30 records, that may be related to the 2012 terrorist attack, are among the thousands recovered by the FBI from Clinton's server.”

According to The Hill, “The agency has committed to releasing the newly uncovered documents under a series of Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests from the conservative watchdog group Judicial Watch, but first it must weigh whether the emails are personal or work-related.” The Hill also noted that it is possible for some of the e-mails to be duplicates that have been previously released. The 30 e-mails are a part of the roughly 14,900 recently recovered by the FBI.

Instead of reporting this damaging news about Clinton, the nets chose to keep the focus squarely on Trump. Both CBS and NBC ran reports discussing a controversial cartoon of Clinton in blackface tweeted out by a Trump campaign surrogate. While ABC ran a whole report on Trump’s shifting immigration policy and a brief about President Barack Obama commuting the sentences of 111 nonviolent drug offenders.