NBC’s Hillary Infomercial Loaded With Softballs: ‘Thank You for Your Candidacy’

Kyle Drennen | October 5, 2015
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More in the cross-post on the MRC's NewsBusters blog.

Throughout a live townhall event on Monday’s NBC Today, Democratic frontrunner Hillary Clinton was treated to one softball after another from her adoring supporters. One sycophantic fan set the tone: “Secretary Clinton, you've had a lot of tough questions this morning. This may be the toughest one you get all day. But many years ago we saw another Clinton at his inauguration play an instrument and have a song. What song or instrument would you play at yours?”

As the crowd laughed, Clinton declared: “Well, you know on Saturday Night Live, Saturday night I sang "Lean on me" with Kate McKinnon, who plays me better than I play me, and so maybe that will be the song because it wasn't as bad as I feared.”