NBC Still Pushing Kavanaugh Smear, Todd Huffs About Its Handling

Nicholas Fondacaro | September 16, 2018
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***To read the full blog, please check out the complete post on NewsBusters***

Despite his claims that the liberal media doesn’t exist, Meet the Press moderator Chuck Todd proved himself again to be a leftist shill during NBC’s Sunday Today as they continued to push a dubious smear of Supreme Court nominee Judge Brett Kavanaugh.

NBC Nightly News was the first broadcast network program to give the claims unwarranted airtime to help spread the vague rumors. It’s widely understood that the smear was a last-ditch effort by Senate Democrat Dianne Feinstein (CA) to derail the inevitable confirmation of Judge Kavanaugh seeing as she had held onto the claims for two months before demanding an investigation by the FBI, which they declined to do.

Despite this understanding, NBC was more concerned with new Democratic efforts to delay the confirmation vote and ignored Feinstein’s underhanded shenanigans. “Over the weekend, we learned that a top Democrat, Senator Dick Durbin is now calling for the delay of this expected confirmation vote for Kavanaugh,” fill-in anchor and White House correspondent Hallie Jackson said to Todd.
