NBC Skips Start of Rubio RNC Speech, Has Time to Pan Clint Eastwood's Anti-Obama Slams

Geoffrey | August 31, 2012
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NBC news, during it’s live Thursday night coverage of the RNC,  skipped the first two-minutes and 50 seconds of Marco Rubio’s speech, as they joined the Florida Senator’s speech in progress after a commercial break. Viewers of NBC missed Rubio’s call for “prayers that soon freedom and liberty” will arrive Cuba and recalling his grandfather’s inspiring message that: “There was no limit in how far I could go because I was an American.”

However, prior to Rubio's speech and just before going to commercial break, NBC did have time to showcase Andrea Mitchell panning Clint Eastwood’s “exceedingly strange” speech that she claimed misstated “some of the President’s record.”

Read more: http://newsbusters.org/blogs/geoffrey-dickens/2012/08/31/nbc-skips-start-rubio-speech-did-have-time-mitchell-pan-eastwoods-#ixzz255xiLO00