NBC Nightly News Story on Humanitarian Border Crisis

Geoffrey | June 10, 2014
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NBC’s Ned Potter, in a June 8, 2014 Nightly News story, painted a stark picture of children leading other children across the border. However, he never mentioned Obama’s extension of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) as a cause of this “humanitarian crisis.”

NED POTTER: The unaccompanied children are being bussed to the U.S. border patrol station in Nogales, Arizona, after overflowing detention facilities in south Texas. More than 700 children from the Central American countries of El Salvador, Honduras, and Guatemala are housed together now in a converted warehouse where they are screened by authorities. With even more kids en route, federal officials are scrambling to provide enough portable toilets, cots, water  food and showers as the state supplies vaccines for children, some very young, who have been through a rough ordeal even after they were caught...Just this morning, this group from El Salvador, ages 9 to 18, was picked up by Texas police after crossing the Rio Grande in search of their parents already here. This girl saying of their journey, “We all took care of each other. The little ones we would send up front.” They’re part of a surge in Central American immigration that began a few years ago, as many fled the violence, poverty and drug gangs there... Last week President Obama declared a humanitarian crisis and ordered FEMA to care for the children.”

Crossposted at Newsbusters.