NBC Ignores 100,000 Border Arrests, Terrified for Tequila Trade

Nicholas Fondacaro | April 1, 2019
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***To read the full blog, please check out the complete post on NewsBusters***

Recently, U.S. Customs and Border Protection estimated that their apprehensions of illegal border crossers for the month of March easily surpassed 100,000. As CBS correspondent Manuel Bojorquez reported on Evening News Monday, “That would be the highest one-month total in more than a decade.” But that fact drew yawns from NBC Nightly News where they were more terrified of a border shutdown disrupting shipments of tequila and tomatoes.

President Trump’s threat to shut down the southern border was the first topic NBC chose to cover that evening and in classic NBC-fashion, they tried to discredit it. “The President, from a political perspective, is working to turn the conversation back to the border with the focus now on immigration, an issue that's important to him and his base,” claimed chief White House correspondent Hallie Jackson.

When it came to the surge of people on the border, Jackson suggested that it was the Border Patrol who were doing that: “A surge to the south tonight with 750 more Border Patrol agents headed towards the Mexican border as the President pushes to shut it down altogether as early as this week, maybe.”

“Although the overall number of undocumented immigrants crossing the border is down from its peak two decades ago, a record number of families and unaccompanied minors are trying to enter the U.S.,” Jackson mislead viewers.

Meanwhile, both ABC News and CBS News acknowledged the massive flows of illegal immigrants swiftly picking up that same evening.
