MSNBC Smears America for Using ‘Mafia’ Style Tactics at the U.N.

Nicholas Fondacaro | December 22, 2017
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***To read the full blog, please check out the complete post on NewsBusters***

As a sign of friendship, U.S. Ambassador to the U.N. Nikki Haley invited those members of the United Nations that didn’t vote against the United States on Thursday to a special reception at the start of the new year. On Friday, MSNBC found it comical that the U.S. would thank those who respected its sovereignty and right to choose where to place its embassy and ridiculed the Ambassador and the Trump administration.

’Exercise our right as a sovereign nation,’ used by Nikki Haley and used against, I guess, the United States. What do you make of all this,” host Chris Jansing asked former Obama State Department Under Secretary Richard Stengel.

The Obama administration flack chided Ambassador Haley for attending what he called “the Tony Soprano School of Diplomacy.” “You extort people to get them to go along with your point of view,” he mocked.

Both Jansing and Stengel found the list of countries that supported the U.S. hysterical as they put the graphic on the screen. “That party she’s having, if you look at the nations that actually voted with us, I don’t know if folks have looked at that… Micronesia, Marshall Islands, most people have never heard of them. You can have the party in this room,” he joked as he motioned to their tiny set.
