MSNBC Praises Website that Connects Democrats With Swing Districts

Nicholas Fondacaro | July 6, 2018
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***To read the full blog, please check out the complete post on NewsBusters***

The liberal media love to pretend they don’t play favorites between the parties, but that’s really hard to defend when you’re praising a liberal organization called Swing Left that connects Democrats with swing districts they can volunteer in. That was exactly what happened during Thursday’s MTP Daily on MSNBC when Chris Jansing filled in for host Chuck Todd.

Jansing began the segment like a late-night infomercial by first touting how “Democrats are fired up right now over issues like immigration and the Supreme Court and, frankly, Scott Pruitt.” She then lamented how many of those same people lived in “deep blue” districts where their votes didn’t mean much for the #Resistance.

Well, now an organization called Swing Left is helping connect Democrats who live in those blue districts with nearby purple districts where they can make a difference and try to flip control of the House. Take a look,” she cheerfully announced.

The report started by highlighting how easy their website was to use along with a testimonial from a happy user who spent a lot of his time in his local swing district. “He's not alone,” Jansing hyped. “The Website launched the day after the inauguration. By the end of the first weekend, 200,000 people had signed up. Today it's pushing 400,000. People just waiting for a way to channel their frustration into action.
