MSNBC Panel: Election Between 'First Feminist' Candidate and 'Misogynist'

Nicholas Fondacaro | April 28, 2016
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As the media pivots with the candidates towards the general election so are their narratives about them. As reporter for The Daily Best Betsey Woodruff put it on MSNBC Live Thursday, “this election is becoming a battle of the sexes.” A social justice warrior’s dream election between “not just the first female presidential candidate, but the first feminist presidential candidate” Hillary Clinton and the “er-misogynist” Donald Trump, as articulated by Michelle Goldberg of Slate on the same show.

Goldberg also claimed that this is only the beginning and his campaigned was going to become more sexist. She claimed the men who support Trump do so because they can’t handle a women becoming a president because they would lose their place in society. “When you think about the amount of racism that has been unleashed by Obama being president. And then think of all of the submerged gender anxieties of men losing primacy in kind of the American system, and all of that,” Goldberg pontificated.