Morning Joe Hails Haley's Attack on 'Angriest Voices': 'Star', 'Great', 'Welcome to Big Stage'

MarkF | January 13, 2016
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Here at NewsBusters, one of our classification categories under Media Bias is "Sudden Respect." The notion is that all a Republican has to do to win praise from the MSM is to bash fellow Republicans or conservatives.

There was a perfect illustration of the phenomenon on today's Morning Joe. In her Republican response to the SOTU, South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley counseled Republicans to reject "the siren call of the angriest voices" and urged "welcoming immigrants regardless of race or religion." The shots at Donald Trump and to some extent at Ted Cruz were unmistakeable. Morning Joe loved it. "Welcome to the big stage," enthused Mika Brzezinksi. Willie Geist declared Haley a "star." Gushed former CNN CEO Walter Isaacson: "great."