Mika On Trump Muslim Plan: I Blame George W. Bush

MarkF | December 8, 2015
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One of James Taranto's tongue-in-cheek tropes at his Best of the Web today column, is "We Blame George Bush." In a recent example, "We Blame George W. Bush" was placed over a headline reading: “Slipping Into a Food Coma? Blame Your Gut Microbes.” As Wikipedia describes it, the trope "is a play on the perceived tendency for many of his detractors to lay the blame for pretty much anything" on Bush.

And lo and behold, from today's Morning Joe comes a real-life example of the phenomenon. Mika Brzezinski blamed Donald Trump's proposal to ban all Muslims from the US, on in part--you guessed it--George W. Bush. In fairness, Mika did also blame the Obama admin. Her notion is that foreign policy blunders "made this country ripe" for feelings that Trump is tapping into. But for Mika to reach back to blame Bush, when even liberals praise him for going out of his way, six days after 9-11. to declare "Islam is peace," etc. is something between outrageous and hilarious.