Megyn Kelly to Scarborough's Face: How Can You Be a True Conservative If You Are at War With So Many of Their Icons?

Geoffrey | May 28, 2014
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Speaking for a lot of frustrated conservatives FNC’s Megyn Kelly tore into MSNBC host Joe Scarborough, on the May 27, 2014 edition of The Kelly File, for claiming to be a man of the right even though he routinely attacks “conservative icons” like talk radio hosts Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity.

During a lively back and forth interview the host called out the former GOP congressman: “You don’t get along with [Sean] Hannity, our own Hannity. You don't get along with Rush [Limbaugh]. You criticize Glenn Beck. So how can you be a true conservative if you’re so, if you’re at war with so many of the conservative icons?”

Crossposted at Newsbusters.