Meet the Press: Just Stop and 'Accept' Trump is Your Nominee

Nicholas Fondacaro | April 24, 2016
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It seems as though Chuck Todd and folks at NBC have had enough of Republican efforts to stop their beloved Donald Trump from getting the nomination. To kick off his political discussion Sunday on meet The Press Todd equated the Republican election cycle to the five stages of grief. Todd stated that the party had already gone through the stages of denial, anger, bargaining, and depression. And all that is left to do is for #NeverTrump to roll over and accept it.

Most of Todd’s panel of professional journalists and flimsy Republicans agreed with him. MSNBC host Joy-Ann Reid threatened the Republican Party with a warning of what would happen if trump was not the nominee. “Let's say it's 30 percent to 40 percent of the Republican base that are white blue collar voters, white working class voters who are clearly enraged primarily at the Republican party. Any outcome but Trump may alienate those voters in such a way that it dooms the party in November no matter what,” Reid stated.