Media Go Gaga for ‘Conservative’ Calling for GOP to Lose Control of Congress

Nicholas Fondacaro | June 24, 2018
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***To read the full blog, please check out the complete post on NewsBusters***

On Sunday, Washington Post “conservative” George Will won the admiration of his liberal peers when he penned a column calling for the Republican Party to lose control Congress. His anti-Republican screed was featured on CNN’s Inside Politics and ABC’s This Week. But on NBC’s Meet the Press, moderator Chuck Todd put it up for a panel discussion during the show’s “End Game” segment.

All right, we had a couple of interesting former Republicans, I guess, calling for Democrats to take control of [the] House,” Todd announced as they came back from a commercial break. As he read from Will’s column, you could just sense his excitement breaking through:

But how about George Will, guys? “The Congressional Republican caucuses must be substantially reduced. So substantially that their remnants, reduced to minorities, will be stripped of the Constitution’s Article I powers that they have been too invertebrate to use to use against the current wielder of Article II powers. They will then have leisure time to wonder why they worked so hard to achieve membership in a legislature whose unexercised muscles have been atrophied because of people like them.”

This came after he touting “former Republican” Michael Bloomberg requesting the same thing from the public.
