Maddow Tees Up Hillary Clinton to Bash AG Barr's Severe 'Misbehavior'

Nicholas Fondacaro | May 1, 2019
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***To read the full blog, please check out the complete post on NewsBusters***

Two-time failed presidential candidate Hillary Clinton took a reprieve from wondering the woods of upstate New York to make an appearance during Wednesday’s The Rachel Maddow Show. The MSNBC host was ecstatic to have the former Secretary of State on her show once again; this time to talk about the findings of the Mueller Report and bash Attorney General William Barr for executing the duties of his office.

In one particularly slanted and longwinded question about Barr’s “behavior”, Maddow essentially answered the question for her guest:

In terms of Barr's performance today and what we have learned, including from Mueller himself about how Barr has handled the results of Mueller's investigation thus far, would you call this an attempted cover-up? Would you say that Barr is handling Mueller's findings in a way that are -- that is dishonest, that is inappropriate, that is something that ought to – as many Democrats said today, cause him to resign? That should potentially leave him open to the prospect of impeachment himself? How do you assess Barr’s – the severity of Barr's misbehavior here?

“Well, I think it is incredibly severe, because I think he is doing the job he was hired to do,” Clinton claimed as she basically parroted Maddow’s points back to her. “He auditioned for the job with his 19-page memo basically saying there is no such thing as obstruction of justice when it comes to a president. He was hired to make sure that was a reality. He has behaved in that way.”
