Krauthammer: We've 'Always Known' Saudi Arabia is Responsible for 9/11

Nicholas Fondacaro | May 2, 2016
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The White House has been coming under increasing presser in recent days calling for the public release of 28 pages that were omitted from the 9/11 Commission Report. Many speculate that the pages contain evidence that Saudi Arabia aided in the attacks and Charles Krauthammer and Laura Ingraham dialed up their own presser Monday on Fox News’ Special Report with Bret Baier. Both calling for pages to be released to the public.

We should obviously put it out even if it is going to hurt our relations,” Krauthammer stated. “But, I mean the larger story is we have always known that Saudi Arabia is ultimately responsible for 9/11,” he continued. He went on to argue that even if they did not provide the funding and training they did have a hand in the attacks:

“The Wahhabi ideology spread all over the world, the madrasas, everything that has come out of it. This was a tiny minority sect of Islam which has become world wild and dominant precisely because of the money, influence and active participation of Saudi Arabia in its spread. So, whether it was involved through individuals in this case or not is, I think, less important than it is responsible. And that there is no way to hide it.”