Katie Couric Promotes Al Gore's Propaganda

Geoffrey | April 9, 2012
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Katie Couric: "In this movie, at different turns you’re funny, vulnerable, disarming, self-effacing, and someone said after watching it, quote, ‘If only he was like this before, maybe things would’ve turned out differently in 2000.’"
Al Gore: "Well, I benefit from low expectations...."
Couric: "What do you see happening in say 15 to 20 years or even 50 years if nothing changes?"
Gore: "...Sea-level increases of 20 feet or more worldwide. Of course, Florida and Louisiana and Texas are particularly vulnerable. The San Francisco Bay area, Manila. And we have seen the impact of a couple hundred thousand refugees from an environmental crisis. [Footage of Hurricane Katrina] Imagine 100 million or 200 million."
Couric: "Even Manhattan would be in deep water, right?"
Gore: "Yes, in fact the World Trade Center Memorial site would be underwater....Unfortunately, Mother Nature is weighing in very powerfully and very loudly."
— NBC’s Today, May 24, 2006