Journalists Should Treat Trump as “Rancid Meat”

Rich Noyes | September 6, 2016
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On the September 4, 2016 edition of CNN's Reliable Sources, Slate editor Jacob Weisberg attempted to justify the news media skewing their coverage against Donald Trump, claiming the GOP nominee was far outside the norms of U.S. politics:

Slate editor Jacob Weisberg: “You know, the structure of covering politics is you compare an apple and an orange, and they have different attributes, but they’re both fruits and you can take your pick. In this case we have something more like an apple and some rancid meat. Excuse the expression.”
Host Brian Stelter: “I’m sorry, is Donald Trump the rancid meat?”
Weisberg: “He’s the rancid meat, and in all sorts of ways. I mean, it’s conspiracy thinking, and racism.”