Josh Earnest Sounds Like Obama Tilts Toward Biden Over Hillary

MarkF | August 3, 2015
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On today's Moning Joe, when Josh Earnest said that President Obama believes that picking Biden as his VP was the "smartest decision he ever made in politics," Joe Scarborough made the mischievous-but-logical point that Obama must thus believe that picking Biden was smarter than picking Hillary as his Secretary of State.  Though Mika interrupted to say that's not what he meant, Earnest never said boo to counter Joe's suggestion.

Earnest later said that if Biden chooses to run, he could make a "strong" case for his candidacy.  He added that there other Dems candidates could make "quite" a strong case.  Note the qualifier. Also, Earnest never mentioned Hillary by name. Add in the fact that Joe reported that there is "outrage at the White House" over Hillary's email and foundation foul-ups, and a picture emerges of an Obama tilting toward Joe. This could get very interesting!