Iran Starts Killing Protesters, ABC Ignores While CBS and NBC Downplay

Nicholas Fondacaro | December 31, 2017
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***To read the full blog, please check out the complete post on NewsBusters***

The anti-government protests targeting government and religious leaders sweeping across Iran took a bloody turn Sunday as overnight reports surfaces of two protestors being killed at the hands of the corrupt government. Disgustingly, the deaths didn’t trigger much air on the three major American networks. ABC’s Good Morning America had a blackout of the deaths and protests all together while NBC only found 24 seconds for them. CBS finally discovered the protests, as they continued into their fourth day, dedicating a meager 16 seconds.

Instead of allowing serious time for the brutal murders of Iranian civilians and the protests, whose marchers have been chanting “Death to Rouhani” and “We don’t want an Islamic republic,” NBC’s Sunday Today ran a four minute and 37 seconds long highlight reel of the media slamming and smearing President Trump from this past year.

Fill-in host Hallie Jackson’s news brief on the protests was pitiful:

A semi-official news agency in Iran is reporting that two people have been killed in overnight protests there. These are the first deaths being attributed to the demonstrations which started Thursday. Thousands of people took to the streets of Teheran Saturday. Protesting the country's stagnant economy, alleged corruption and their government's involvement in conflicts in the region. President Trump on Twitter says the world is watching what happens there.
