Illegal Immigrant MSNBC Guest Jabs Jeb for Opposing Sanctuary Cities

MarkF | August 8, 2015
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If a woman announced on live national TV that she had shoplifted an iPhone, there'd presumably be a cop at the studio door to greet her.  So why is it that someone can blithely announce on national TV that she's in the country illegally, and far from fearing any repercussions, have her views on the American presidential election respectfully solicited?

It happened this morning, when MSNBC invited Erika Andiola, who described herself as "an undocumented Mexican woman" onto the Up show to give her take on the candidates' comments on immigration during Thursday's GOP debate.  Andiola was disappointed in general that the candidates didn't stand up to Donald Trump's remarks on immigration.  In particular, she jabbed Jeb Bush for continuing to express opposition to sanctuary cities, saying he needs "to pull back stronger on that."  Good point, Ms. Andiola.  I mean, without sanctuary cities, where is poor Francisco Sanchez supposed to hang out?