How It’s Supposed to Work: CBS Highlights Migrant Granted Asylum

Nicholas Fondacaro | November 29, 2018
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***To read the full blog, please check out the complete post on NewsBusters***

For months, the liberal media have made it seem as though the only thing standing between them and their hopes for asylum was Trump’s cruelty, especially when they stormed the border wall. This was all, despite the fact that the parameters for granting asylum were narrowly tailored. During Thursday’s CBS Evening News, correspondent Adriana Diaz interviewed a young man from the spring caravan who was actually persecuted in Honduras and was granted asylum last month.

Diaz spoke with teenager Edgar Reyes. He told U.S. officials that he was beaten by Honduras police forces at political protests and had the evidence to prove it. "A government representative said I received asylum because I had proof of persecution, presenting over 400 pages of evidence,” he explained to her.

“I’m happy to be in a safe place. And to be in a country where my rights are respected,” he said.

Elaborating on Reyes’s harrowing journey to the U.S., Diaz reported:

He was one of the estimated 1500 people in the migrant caravan that moved through Mexico this spring. That journey spanned two months and more than 2,000 miles, mostly on foot. He says he survived a kidnapping attempt and three days on a Mexican freight train so dangerous, it's known as "The Beast”.

“When he finally reached the border, he asked for asylum and was detained for five months while his case was processed. He received asylum on October 15,” she added. Translating for Reyes, Diaz told viewers: “Every day, I thought was my last … I was worried about dying from exhaustion or dehydration or cold because we had to sleep in parks.”
