HLN Panel Slams Media for Smearing Trump’s Hires as Talking Heads

Nicholas Fondacaro | March 28, 2018
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***To read the full blog, please check out the complete post on NewsBusters***

In what appeared to be a shot across the bow of their parent network CNN on Tuesday, the panel on HLN’s S.E. Cupp Unfiltered slammed media outlets who discredited President Trump’s new White House hires because they spent time on cable news. “So is the media smearing the President's pick just to beat up on Trump or are these TV talking heads actually dangerous,” conservative host S.E. Cupp wondered.

From John Bolton to Larry Kudlow, Trump is under fire for taking talks heads and turning them into advisers. It’s unorthodox, sure. But is it really a problem,” Cupp asked the audience. “It would be if these folks were otherwise unqualified.” She then read through each one’s long list of past government experience going back decades and in multiple presidencies.

Cupp admitted that she didn’t agree with many of Bolton or Kudlow’s positions, but agreed they had the experience required for the positions Trump hired them for, national security adviser and chief economic adviser respectively.

She turned to Unfiltered senior producer Andy Levy who unloaded on the media for not being honest about their motives for critiquing the two. “Let’s be clear here, when people in journalism claim to be upset that Trump is surrounding himself with cable news people, what they really mean is that they think he is surrounding himself with the wrong cable news people,” he explained, noting they were angry at Fox News.
