Harry Smith Quotes Scripture to Counter Republicans on Refugees

MarkF | November 21, 2015
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I turned on MSNBC this morning in the admittedly masochistic hope of watching Melissa Harris-Perry, only to find Harry Smith--of all--people hosting cotinuing coverage of the Paris attacks and related issues.

After running clips of Ted Cruz, Ben Carson and Mike Huckabee questioning the admittance into the US of Syrian refugees, Smith immediately displayed on screen and read the passage of Matthew 25 that begins "for I was hungry and you gave me something to eat . . . I was a stranger and you invited me in," etc. Smith then turned to the Rev. Jacqui Lewis, pastor of the hyper-liberal Middle Collegiate Church in NYC's East Village, and asked this hyper-leading question: "is this as important a piece of the New Testament as exists?" Surprise: Lewis agreed that it "absolutely" is.