Gawker's 'Fox News Mole' Reveals FNC Staffers 'Blackballed' as Conservative 'Nuts' by CNN

Brent Baker | April 15, 2012
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Joe Muto, the self-described “weasel,” “traitor” and “sell-out” who for a few days last week was the “Fox News Mole” for until FNC identified him, disclosed on CNN’s Reliable Sources that he tried to leave the network but was unable to get hired elsewhere because the rest of the cable news industry “blackballed” him since they presumed anyone who worked for Fox News is “a nut.” Not very tolerant.

Muto, an associate producer for The O’Reilly Factor, told Howard Kurtz “I sent out dozens and dozens of resumes. CNN must have gotten twenty resumes from me.”

But, “I was blackballed within the industry, that people, hiring managers, see Fox News on your resume, and they say ‘this guy’s a conservative, this guy’s a nut, we don’t want him in our organization.’ I was completely blackballed within the cable news industry after working at Fox News.”

More in the cross-post on the MRC's NewsBusters blog