Fox News Rips Apart Lib Media Narrative Youngkin Ran Racist Campaign

Nicholas Fondacaro | November 8, 2021
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***The complete post in on NewsBusters***

On Sunday, Fox News Channel MediaBuzz anchor Howard Kurtz kicked off the program by tearing apart the liberal media’s narrative that Virginia Governor-elect Glenn Youngkin was appealing to racists with his campaign. And it wasn’t just him, Kurtz leaned on a panel representing separate ideologies who agreed that the narrative was a lie.

After playing some clips of a few people in the media who admitted that Democrats had a messaging and listening problem, Kurtz called out those spreading that big lie. “But even with the Democrats falling short, some left-wingers in the media are still pounding away at what they call Youngkin’s racist appeals,” he said.

For those video clips, he drew heavily from MSNBC’s Election Night coverage and beyond.
