FNC's Ingraham Highlights Media Hypocrisy Over Use of the Word 'Mob'

Ryan Foley | October 11, 2018
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During Wednesday's edition of The Ingraham Angle, host Laura Ingraham pointed out how the media strenuously objects to the use of the word "mob" to describe left-wing protesters but did not seem to mind using the word "mob" at all when describing the Tea Party protesters back in 2009.  She opened her segment by declaring that "only the media can tell you, the American people, when a mob is or isn't an actual mob." Ingraham played a clip of CNN's Don Lemon dismissing the idea of "mob behavior" becoming an epidemic on the left earlier this week, describing liberal protesters as "people who are upset and...angry with the way...the country is going."  Ingraham contrasted Lemon's description of the left-wing mob with a clip of Lemon from 2009 asking: "Democracy at work or is it mob rule? Angry protesters disrupt healthcare town halls." Ingraham transitioned to another set of clips, saying "here's Chris Matthews of MSNBC performing the very same time warp trick." Matthews in 2018 said "The President and his Republican allies tried to channel their supporters' outrage over protests into a winning issue by casting Democrats as an angry mob." Matthews in 2009 had a different take: "town hall meetings on healthcare are turning into mob scenes; noisy, angry, vengeful crowds are shouting down members of Congress." Ingraham took away a "clear message" from the montage: "when a GOP crowd shows up, it's definitely a mob...But when liberal activists accost Senators in elevators and scream folks out of restaurants, they are just voicing their opinion very forcefully."