FNC's Bret Baier Quotes MRC's Graham on Media Blackout of Annual Pro-Life March

Brent Baker | January 27, 2012
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Bret Baier, on the January 27, 2012 Special Report on FNC:

"Now fresh pickings from the Political Grapevine.

"Monday correspondent Shannon Bream covered the annual March for Life rally that saw tens of thousands of pro-life supporters, along with some pro-choice demonstrators, descend on the nation's capital. However, if you were watching the big three broadcast networks, you wouldn't have heard a peep about the event. You would have been in the dark, too, if you were reading the print version of the New York Times. Not one word. And the Washington Examiner even noticed a local CBS Web site featured seven pictures of the event, but none of pro-life activists. Until the page was updated days later, the only images in the slide show were pro-choice supporters.

"The Media Research Center notes, quote: 'These tens of thousands bravely keep coming to the capital in all kinds of bad weather every January, fully aware that the supposedly objective national media will pretend they don’t exist.'"