First Look Media’s Bates: Jerry Falwell Just Like Murdering Jihadists

Brent Baker | January 12, 2015
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Former Rolling Stone executive editor Eric Bates, now executive editor of First Look Media, on MSNBC’s Now with Alex Wagner on Wednesday, talking about the terrorist attack against a French satire magazine in which twelve were murdered:

“We also have to remember, this isn’t just Islamic extremism. If you go back to the ’80s — during the Reagan administration — when Jerry Falwell sued Hustler magazine for portraying him having, I believe it was drunken incest with his mother in an outhouse — again, in a visual form — and won a $150,000 court case against Hustler for that. It was overturned by the Supreme Court, I think, eight-to-zero. So you know, religious fundamentalists of all stripes and of nationalities have this penchant to say, we want to be able tell you what you can and can’t portray.”

>> This video clipped to illustrate Paul Bedard’s January 12 “Mainstream Media Scream” for <<