Engel on Obama Speech: 'Same Strategy That Hasn't Been Working'

MarkF | December 6, 2015
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Maybe you're a liberal, reluctant to accept Charles Krauthammer's conclusion that President Obama's speech on terror tonight was a "complete failure." Fine. But there's no getting around Richard Engel, whom no one would accuse of conservatism. Speaking with Chris Matthews on MSNBC, NBC's chief foreign correspondent bleak assessment was that what President Obama laid out was "the same strategy that hasn't been working for last several years."

After a point-by-point takedown of Obama's weak tea, Engel concluded "the course of treatment that he laid out for this sick patient with cancer with no immediate cure does not seem like an incredibly strong prescription." Ouch.

Note that nine years ago, NewsBusters reported Richard Engel describing himself as "basically a pacifist." So Engel is anything but a hawk. Even so, as NewsBusters has documented, he has been a critic of President Obama's policy in the war against terrorism.