Diane Sawyer Claims Wall Street Protests Have ‘Spread to More Than a Thousand Countries’

Brent Baker | October 11, 2011
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So enthused about promoting the far-left protests, ABC anchor Diane Sawyer on Monday night championed “the Occupy Wall Street movement” by ludicrously claiming that “as of tonight, it has spread to more than 250 American cities, more than a thousand countries -- every continent but Antarctica.”

Protests against the wealthy in “thousands of countries,” including Cuba, China and every country in Africa? Per the U.S. State Department, however, there are only 195 nation states in the world, so Sawyer imagined five times as many protests as could possibly have occurred.

She proceeded to advance the agenda of those protesting by running down statistics to illustrate income inequality: “So how much does the top one percent in this country earn? Well, on average their incomes, $1.1 million. Compare that to the bottom 90 percent, 100 million households. They earn an average of $31,000.” She fretted that since the 1980s, “the top one percent saw their incomes go up more than 11 times what the rest of America saw.”

More, including what Sawyer meant to say, in the cross-post on the MRC's NewsBusters blog.