Delusional Dan Rather Claims Idea There's Liberal Bias a 'Sham' to Silence Tough Journalism

Brent Baker | June 4, 2012
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On Wednesday night’s (May 30) The Daily Show, even Jon Stewart presumed liberal media bias is real: “This idea of liberal bias and the idea, you know, in your experience, haven't most journalists, haven’t their politics been somewhat more liberal?”

But the discredited CBS News anchor was in denial: "No, it hasn't been my experience." He proceeded to rationalize that journalists get "a reputation" they're liberal only because they "see a Dickensian side of society that most people don't see. So when they try to call attention to that, people who don't like it say, 'Oh, you're liberal.'"

Rather insisted: “I know that it’s widely believed that CBS, NBC, ABC – chock full of liberals. Not true. What it’s chock full of is people who wanted to give honest news, straightforward news, and voted both ways in many elections. I’m not saying that nobody in the newsroom was liberal any more than I would say nobody was conservative. Frequently what happened people who were described as conservatives want to say, ‘I worked at CBS News, and you know, almost everybody there was liberal.’ What they really mean is not everybody there agreed with them all the time. This is a sham. It’s a camouflage-”

(This video is featured in Paul Bedard's June 4 "Mainstream Scream" in his daily "Washington Secrets" column for the Washington Examiner.)