Cuomo: U.S. Celebrating Thanksgiving in a Time ‘Illness’, ‘Depredation’ Like Pilgrims

Nicholas Fondacaro | November 21, 2018
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***To read the full blog, please check out the complete post on NewsBusters***

CNN seems to be staffed almost exclusively with prolific grandstanders and pontificators of a very high caliber. One of their loudest, angriest, and overly dramatic orators is Prime Time host Chris Cuomo. During Tuesday’s edition of the show, he ended the first hour of his program by telling the story of how Thanksgiving got reinvented during times of great hardship and strife in America. According to him, “Thanksgiving is coming, and not a moment too soon” because we’re experiencing one of those times.

This national day to give thanks was actually designed for times just like those we are living. I'll prove it,” he began his long-winded rant.

Starting with President Trump, Cuomo talked about how Thanksgiving shouldn’t revolve around Trump and was a holiday bigger than one person. “In fact, the designers of the day would insist on that,” he declared. “Yes, it was actually done as an offset, a reminder of gratitude during the worst of times. In fact, especially then.

You read that right, we’re living during one of America’s worse times. According to Cuomo, the Trump-era was right up there with the struggle of Pilgrims, the Civil War, the Great Depression, and Pearl Harbor. He said as much when he as he went along.

Cuomo looked to the founding of our nation and discovered a time that mirrored our own (click “expand” to read):
