CNN’s Van Jones: Trump Has America ‘on Track for a Tragedy’

Nicholas Fondacaro | November 11, 2016
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With anti-Trump protests and riots raging for a second night in a row, CNN political commentator Van Jones had a dire warning for the rest of the panel on Thursday’s Anderson Cooper 360, “We're on track for a tragedy.” Even with his ominous warning, Jones couldn’t help but toot his own horn, stating, “I predict stuff all the time. People tell me I'm wrong. And then they come back and say I was right.”  

The pundit explained his concern, saying, “Right now there are some people who are reporting from the Muslim community that there's been an increase in women getting punched because they have the hijab. People being spit on. These kind of things.” The entire time insinuating that Trump’s victory was the impetus for the attacks.

His went on to rant claiming that Trump has made no effort to bring people together:

 My concern is if he doesn't we could be on track to some kind of tragedy which then people will say, well see it was because of this, this and this. You have to make these decisions early on to signal to your followers and to the country who you are. It's only been 36 hours. He hasn't done it yet. But I'm telling you right now. Right now giving the reports to the Muslim community we’re on track for some kind of tragedy. He could get out in front of it. And I hope he does.

Trump supporter Kayleigh McEnany was quick to point out that Trump did exactly what Jones wanted during his victory speech early Wednesday morning, “And he came out and praised his competitor and then said ‘I want to lead a movement of all races and all religions-- an inclusive movement.’”

Such attacks are horrible occurrences, but it appears that the hijab instance that Jones made reference to was a lie. According to ABC News, “A Muslim woman in Louisiana who told police she was attacked with a metal object and robbed of her headscarf and wallet by two men wearing Donald Trump clothing just hours after Trump was elected president admitted to police today that she made it up.”

Jones paid little mind to the plethora of attacks against Trump supporters, at the hands of radical leftists, occurring across the country since the election. Recently in Chicago, a man was beaten and carjacked by a group of people shouting “Don’t vote Trump.” The video showing the altercation ends with the man being dragged by his car as he clings to the side.

There was also an incident that occurred live on CNN where an anti-Trump protester angrily yelled at a reporter, exclaiming, “People have to die!” ““There will be casualties on both sides. There will be, because people have to die to make a change in this world,” she told CNN.

He also conveniently forgot how a GOP campaign office in North Carolina was firebombed back in October. And how leftists violently rioted and attacked Trump supporters at rallies in both San Jose, California and Albuquerque, New Mexico