CNN's Toobin Suggests Trump Doesn't Care About Puerto Ricans' Deaths Because 'They're Not White People'

Ryan Foley | September 13, 2018
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During Wednesday's edition of CNN's New Day, co-hosts Alisyn Camerota and John Berman and their panel complained about President Trump's description of the Federal government's handling of Hurricane Maria as a "success."  Camerota described that assertion as "hurtful," while Berman described it as "not true."  CNN Legal Analyst Jeffrey Toobin played amateur psychologist and took the handling of Hurricane Maria in a direction that no one saw coming: "Isn't the story even darker than that? Isn't the story that these people who died, apparently thousands of them in Puerto Rico, 3,000 as you point out, they're not white people.  And they don't count to Donald Trump as much as the deaths of white people."  Camerota expressed skepticism of Toobin's claim, saying "I don't know if we can draw that conclusion."  Toobin doubled down, asking "If 3,000 white people had died in Florida or Texas, would he be saying it was a success?"