CNN’s Gregory: The Media Is ‘Not Responsible for Creating a Tone’

Nicholas Fondacaro | October 25, 2018
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***To read the full blog, please check out the complete post on NewsBusters***

The liberal media were irate Wednesday night after President Trump called for civility, unity, and for the media to turn down their own heated rhetoric. A lot of CNN’s prime time line up after that point involved them berating the President for his own rhetoric and tone deafly denying they needed to take any such action. And during the first hour of CNN Tonight, network veteran David Gregory laughably declared that the media was “not responsible for creating a tone”, the President was.

Coming back from a commercial break, host Don Lemon huffed about how Trump was “ramping up his attacks on the media tonight, suggesting the media is contributing to what he calls endless hostility.

“Do you think it was appropriate for the President to continue to hold this rally tonight on a day when someone tried to kill two former U.S. presidents, former secretary of state, a former attorney general, and a congresswoman,” he asked Gregory.

Gregory responded by groaning about how he was “well past being surprised by, you know, this President's approach to those kinds of political norms.” After claiming he gave the President “his due” when he thought Trump did “the right thing”, Gregory said he wished Trump “could accept more and be more self-reflective, more presidential. I think it was completely inappropriate.”

Earlier in the program, Gregory tried to portray himself as someone who was open to listening to criticism of the media, claiming: “I'm willing to engage in all kinds of press criticism. I'm willing to take responsibility for our role writ-large in the political culture.”
