CNN’s Cooper Rages at Trump Campaign’s Fundraising Parody Poll

Nicholas Fondacaro | February 7, 2019
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***To read the full blog, please check out the complete post on NewsBusters***

Seemingly following the example set by his fellow CNN hosts, Chris Cuomo and Don Lemon, host Anderson Cooper ended Thursday’s edition of AC360 by venting his nonsensical anger at a fundraising e-mail sent by the Trump campaign. The e-mail, meant to drive engagement with Trump supporters, led people to the “Official State of the Union Approval Poll” and the answers for the parody poll have had CNN liberals in a tailspin.

Now sure, the e-mail starts off insulting ‘Cryin’ Chuck and the Democrats’ and labels the President’s speech ‘historic’ twice, but then it asks the President's followers to take the, quote, ‘Official State of the Union Approval Poll’,” Cooper mocked as if he was being insightful. “And it's absolutely official because as you can see right there it says, ‘official’. Eat your heart out Gallup.

Cooper continued his condescending rant against the “highly-official, undeniably scientific poll” by chiding the first question. “How would you rate President Trump's state of the union address? Historic, great, good, or other.”

Historic, great, good seems kind of like a missed opportunity for an all of the above option but, look, I'm no pollster,” he sneered.
