CNN: Trump Is 'The Grinch', 'Stole Christmas' from the Troops in Iraq

Nicholas Fondacaro | December 26, 2018
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***To read the full blog, please check out the complete post on NewsBusters***

First, the liberal media blasted Trump for not spending Christmas with the troops. Then when that became totally fake news, they decried how long it took him to do it. Now, they’re saying he should have never gone at all. At least that’s what CNN was hawking during Wednesday’ CNN Tonight were they dubbed President “the Grinch” who “stole Christmas” from the troops.

Host Don Lemon insisted he was “being honest” when he admitted he and his family “turned on CNN and we saw the President politicizing a Christmas message, it was like-- we kept saying, ‘he's like the Grinch.’ I'm being honest.

Former Obama national security official and tried and true conspiracy theorist Samantha Vinograd chimed in and declared Trump “stole Christmas” with his visit to Al Asad Airbase in Iraq to celebrate the holiday with the troops.
