CNN Panelist: GOP No Longer the Party of Lincoln, Wants Racists

Nicholas Fondacaro | May 1, 2017
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***To read the full blog, please check out the complete post on NewsBusters***

Following President Trump’s unusual comments about President Andrew Jackson being able to stop the Civil War, the media was all abuzz trying to figure out what he meant by it. During CNN’s Anderson Cooper 360 Monday night, commenter Jeffrey Lord explained that Trump might have been attracted to Jackson’s economic populism, but Lord condemned Jackson’s racism. He also reminded viewers that it was Democrats who backed slavery and racism. That didn’t sit well with New York Times columnist Charles Blow, who proceeded to rail against Republicans.

“And I would add, not simply was an economy built on the backs of slaves, the Democratic Party was built on the back of slave and race,” Lord told Cooper and Blow. “And my argument is that that culture of race and racism and obsession with race has never left the party and is still present there today.”

Blow, who appeared to be triggered by Lord’s historical facts, admitted that almost all African-Americans would have identified as Republicans 100 years ago, but not anymore. “Until the decades leading up to the '60s and the '60s in particular. And even into the '70s and '80s, when the Republican Party decided that it wanted to attract the people who hated black people rather than keep the black people that it had,” he ranted. 
