CNN Obamacare Debate: Sanders Spars with Small Business Owner

Nicholas Fondacaro | February 8, 2017
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Things became awkward during CNN’s The Future of Obamacare debate Tuesday night, as Senator Bernie Sanders appeared to become a little irritated with a small business owner who admitted to him that she was not providing health care for her employees. Texas salon chain owner La Ronda Hunter explained to the senator that because of Obamacare’s mandates she could not expand her business and could not pay for their care. Sanders’ reaction was tantamount to him saying ‘too bad so sad.’

“Let me give you an answer you will not be happy with,” he began as he started to lecture her on his beliefs about why businesses who employee 50 people or more needed to provide insurance. “I think that in America today everybody should have health care. And if you have more than 50 people, you know what? I think, I'm afraid to tell you, but I think you will have to provide health insurance,” he said frankly.

She tried to explain to the senator from Vermont that her profit margin is not large by any stretch and that it was common throughout the industry. “So my question is, how do I do that without raising my prices to my customers or lowering the wages to my employees,” she continued to inquire.

The Senator seemed to write her off, saying, “It may be. I certainly don't know about hair salons in Ft. Worth. But I do believe, to be honest with you, that if you have more than 50 people, yes, you should be providing health insurance.”

After Texas Senator Ted Cruz had a chance to respond, Sanders went back to Hunter and appeared to try and scold her for not insuring her employees:

Let me ask you a question. What happens if one of your employees becomes ill? What happens? What happens if one of your employees (as happens in every part of the country) gets diabetes, gets cancer? What do they do if they don't have health insurance?

Hunter diffused Sanders’ ridiculously explosive questions by informing him that she doesn’t even have health insurance for herself. “I don't qualify for any kind of government subsidies, I don't have, for the first time in my life, insurance. It's just not affordable. Unfortunately, the prices of my services just don't warrant it,” she stated, laying out her predicament.

The only solution Sanders seemed to have for the woman was for her to wait until she was 65-years-old so she could apply for Medicare. “Are you looking forward, by the way, I won't ask you your age, won't do that, but are you looking forward maybe when you get to 65 to get Medicare? Would that be of help to your family,” he asked her. Sounding reluctant, she agreed that that might have to happen.

“Good, I hope it does, and I hope Medicare is still there, despite the efforts of Senator Cruz and others. So that when you at least reach 65 you will be able to get a decent health insurance program,” Sanders concluded, as Cruz stepped in and mocked his colleague for suggesting he was trying “to kill the elderly.”

This encounter may go unnoticed by many in the media, but it’s very telling of the left’s attitude towards business in general and not just large ones. They pay little regard to those trying to make a living and that is partly why they lost in 2016.