CNN Host Badgers Trump SCOTUS Adviser, Picking ‘Right-Wing Extremists’

Nicholas Fondacaro | July 9, 2018
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***To read the full blog, please check out the complete post on NewsBusters***

With just a couple hours before President Trump announced his nomination to the Supreme Court, CNN’s Erin Burnett brought on SCOTUS selection adviser and Federalist Society head Lenard Leo to discuss the criteria for the pick. Of course, she only focused on their positions regarding Roe v. Wade and parroted Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT) who proclaimed all the possible candidates just “right-wing extremists.”

As she was introducing Leo to the audience, Burnett by fanned liberal suggestions of the nomination being farmed out to a shady fringe group:

I want to go to now, as promised, to the outside adviser to the President for judicial selection, Leonard Leo. The Wall Street Journal, Mr. Leo calls you, quote, “the conservative activist who plays a critical role in Supreme Court picks. The L.A. Times says, you are the man to see if you aspire to the Supreme Court. The fourth pick you've played a key role in: John Roberts Samuel Alito, Neil Gorsuch.

You have played, obviously, a crucial role here. And I just wanted to play for you-- Senator Bernie Sanders was just on, by the way, he says he's going to oppose any of the picks if they come off the list of 25,” Burnett told Leo. “He called them ‘right-wing extremists.’ And he said that part of the reason they're there is you, people like you.
