CBS's Schieffer Touts to Christie Obama's Successes

Brent Baker | February 27, 2012
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On Sunday's (February 26) Face the Nation, during a segment with Republican New Jersey Governor Chris Christie, host Bob Schieffer marveled over President Barack Obama’s presumed success and so wondered:

“How do you go after Barack Obama, though, right now? I mean, the stock m arket is up. It looks like the unemployment is going down. David Axelrod in his campaign said the other day Osama bin Laden is dead and General Motors is alive. It’s going to be a tough job for you, is it not?”

Much more about Schieffer's Sunday agena in the cross-post on the MRC's NewsBusters blog: “For Schieffer, GOP ‘Too Far to the Right’ and Too Obsessed with Birth Control While Obama Presidency Succeeding”