CBS’s Dickerson Grills Sen. Warner on Dem Party Corruption Exposed by Brazile

Nicholas Fondacaro | November 5, 2017
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***To read the full blog, please check out the complete post on NewsBusters***

The recent revelations exposed by former Democratic National Committee Chair Donna Brazile were given a surprising amount of airtime on Sunday on the Big Three Networks (ABC, CBS, and NBC), certainly way more than when the news first broke. While some were trying to defend Hillary Clinton or attack Brazile, others were trying to get Democrats to answer serious questions about it. One of those was CBS’s Face the Nation moderator John Dickerson, who grilled Virginia Democratic Senator Mark Warner on the implications it would have on his state’s gubernatorial election.

Final question, the former DNC chairman Donna Brazile has dropped a bomb this week saying basically the Democratic National Committee was rigged for Hillary Clinton in her favor. Do you believe that's true,” Dickerson wondered.

Warner tried to deflect, claiming he was more focused on the governor’s race. “Listen, I have seen some of the press reports. What I'm a lot more focused on, we've got a really critical election coming up in two days in Virginia where we elect the governor,” he said. “I hope it's going to be Ralph Northam our Democratic candidates. That's where I'm focused.”
