CBS Hypes: Ted Cruz ‘Deeply Unpopular’ With GOP Leadership

Kyle Drennen | December 14, 2015
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More in the cross-post on the MRC's NewsBusters blog.

On Monday’s CBS This Morning, while covering Ted Cruz’s rise in the polls, correspondent Nancy Cordes noted the Republican presidential candidate’s “outspoken opposition to ObamaCare and his willingness to take on both sides of the Washington establishment resonates with Iowa conservatives,” but warned: “That approach has made Cruz deeply unpopular with leaders in his own party, who worry that he could be just as polarizing of a nominee as Trump.”

A soundbite ran of GOP strategist Brian Walsh hammering Cruz: “He would be equally problematic....if we’re going to win in 2016 we need to expand the electorate. We need more female voters, more Hispanics. And instead of learning those lessons, you have candidates like Cruz and Trump who are doing the exact opposite.”