CBS: Comey Gave ‘Every Indication’ Trump Is ‘In Fact,’ ‘May Be’ Under Investigation

Nicholas Fondacaro | June 8, 2017
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***To read the full blog, please check out the complete post on NewsBusters***

One of the largest revelations to come out of the Senate Intelligence Committee’s public hearing with former FBI Director James Comey on Thursday was that President Trump was not under investigation. That fact didn’t seem to sit well with CBS’s John Dickerson when he appeared during CBS News Special Report after the hearing. Almost desperately, Dickerson tried to argue Trump had to be under scrutiny, “So, a President who was once concerned about not being under investigation those actions he took may now, in fact, make him under investigation.”

Despite Comey’s testimony, Dickerson asserted that Trump was most likely being investigated by the FBI now in light of recent events. “The challenge to the President is though, he says he wasn't being investigated then, but there was every indication from Comey’s testimony today that the President is being now on this question of obstruction. And yesterday the acting FBI director suggested that it was part of the investigation,” he claimed
