CBS: ‘Blood’ of ‘Innocent People’ on GOP Hands After Medicaid Cuts

Nicholas Fondacaro | June 29, 2017
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***To read the full blog, please check out the complete post on NewsBusters***

As the Media Research Center reported earlier this week, the Big Three Networks (ABC, CBS, and NBC) continued to spread the fake news that Senate Republicans were cutting Medicaid despite the Congressional Budget Office’s report the proved otherwise. CBS News dropped their reporting to a new low Thursday evening when they reported that the cuts could lead to the deaths of people suffering from opioid addiction. “Please, don't do it. You're going to have the blood of a lot of innocent people on your hands,” one addict told reporter Adriana Diaz on CBS Evening News.

CBS News has learned Senate Republicans hoping to win support for the ObamaCare replacement have added another $45 billion for the treatment of opioid addiction,” declared Anchor Anthony Mason at the start of the segment. “However, that's just a fraction of what Medicaid covers right now, so what happens if Medicaid is cut drastically?

Mason’s statement about drastic cuts to Medicaid as 100 percent a fabrication...