Brzezinski: 'You Can't Start Telling the Truth Now' About Trump

Nicholas Fondacaro | March 3, 2016
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This is the problem. You can't get real now. You can't start telling the truth now. And that's what everybody's doing.” So exclaimed Mika Brzezinski about the in-depth vetting Donald Trump is now receiving from his GOP opposition. The defense of Trump’s campaign was a prominent theme during Thursday’s edition of Morning Joe.

Hours before Mitt Romney was set to speak, Brzezinski was already out to discredit what he had to say and pretended she knew the full content of his speech.  Filled with anger, Brzezinski condemned the fact that Romney would dare to speak out about the fate of his party at all. She even went so far as to argue that unless he was jumping into the race he should sit down and shut up. “You know what? If you don't have something to offer, if you're not going to jump in and get the fight, then what is it that you're saying or doing at this point?