Bozell: Big Tech, Media ‘Censorship’ Protect Bidens from Scandal

Nicholas Fondacaro | March 29, 2022
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***The complete post is on NewsBusters***

In a Tuesday appearance on Fox Business Network’s The Evening Edit, Media Research Center President Brent Bozell called out the liberal Big Tech companies and media for their “censorship” of the Hunter Biden laptop story that has recently been confirmed by The New York Times. He also called out their double standard for scrutinizing the business dealing of presidential adult children.

“Brent, how is the media doing covering this story,” asked anchor Elizabeth MacDonald, noting how “[i]t could have affected the entire election.”

Recalling the poll the MRC conducted following the 2020 election, Bozell pointed out that if Twitter had not aggressively cracked down on the story and the liberal media had actually covered it, it could have swung voters from Biden.
